9 Planimetric features

Description hierarchy

<LandXML> Transfer file

<Units><Metric> Units (Metric)

<CoordinateSystem> Coordinate and elevation system

- <Start> Base point

<Project> Project

<Feature> "IM_codings" extension
type coding systems

<Application> Application

<Author> Authors

<PlanFeatures> Collection of planimetric features

<PlanFeature> Planimetric feature such as building footprint, guard rail, lightpole or signage

<CoordGeom> Plan feature geometry

- <Line> Line (geom. line)

- <IrregularLine> Line string

- <Curve> Circular arc (geom. line)

- <Spiral> Transition curve (geom-line)

<Location> Plan feature location

<Feature> "IM_cable" extension
cable plan feature details

<Feature> "IM_footing" extension
footing plan feature details

<Feature> "IM_railing" extension
railing plan feature details

<Feature> "IM_fence" extension
fence plan feature details

<Feature> "IM_surfaceStructure" extension
surface structure plan feature details

<Feature> "IM_planfeature" extension
generic plan feature details

<Feature> "IM_coding" extension
planfeature type coding

<Feature> "IM_coding" extension
planfeatures collection type coding (infra coding)

<Feature> "IM_plan" extension
plan information

<FeatureDictionary> Definition dictionary of extensions

9.1 Contents

In an Inframodel file, any plan contains the header information described in the section 1. The design content in the file is defined in metric units, using an adequate number of decimals for accuracy. For example, when the length unit in use is meter, the values must be defined to at least six decimal places.
Planimetric features, such as cables, lightpole or signage footings, railings and fences, or any other objects not otherwise defined by LandXML schema are described using <PlanFeature> element. These features often interface with route (road, street, rail or waterway), in which case they are described under <Roadways> collection in the same file, as defined in chapters 4, 5 and 6. This chapter covers those planimetric features not directly assigned to any particular route, and surface structures potentially spanning across multiple routes (such as urban street surface plans).

9.2 Plan features

The planimetric features not directly assigned to any particular route (road, street, rail or waterway) are grouped in planimetric features collections under <PlanFeatures> consisting of several <PlanFeature> elements. How the planimetric features are arranged into collections (e.g. by types) is subject to project guidelines or other usage agreements. Each collection shall have a unique name.

Attributes of <PlanFeatures>:

- desc description e.g. [Steel mesh fences type T2]
- name unique name e.g. [A_fences_T2]
- state state

Planimetric features collections may be also be type coded in <Feature> using 7. Type coding in "IM_coding" extension. In particular, this should be used when the collections contains surface structrure definition associated with the topmost surface of a plan: [InfraCoding] set to value [201000]

9.2.1 Plan feature

The individual plan features are each described under <PlanFeature>, having a mandatory and unique name and optionally <Location> and geometry as <CoordGeom>.

Attributes of <PlanFeature>:

- desc description e.g. [Steel mesh fence]
- name unique name e.g. [f_123]
- state state

<PlanFeature> geometry is described in <CoordGeom> using line strings for linear features, e.g. cables, railings and fences; in case of sruface structure boudaries, also circular or spiral curve arcs may be used. For point features, such as footings, location is given in <Location> element as a two or three dimensional point:

<Location>northing easting (elevation)<Location>

Details of <PlanFeature> are described as <Feature> extension, defined for each type as follows:

     1. Cable information in "IM_cable" extension
     2. Footing information in "IM_footing" extension
     3. Railing information in "IM_railing" extension
     4. Fence information in "IM_fence" extension
     5. Surface structure properties in "IM_surfaceStructure" extension
     6. Generic plan feature in "IM_planfeature" extension

Additionally, all plan features may be type coded in <Feature> using 7. Type coding in "IM_coding" extension. Cable

Details of <PlanFeature> in "IM_cable" <Feature>

- name optional name e.g. [9]
- code code [IM_cable]
- source source [inframodel]

Parameters <Property>

- label [label] label or number by which the cable may be identified
value e.g. [1]

- label [owner] information about who is the owner of the cable
value e.g. [Helsingin Energia]

- label [networkType] type of cable network
value e.g. [electricity]

- label [cableType] type of the cabel
value e.g. [AXMK 4x25S]

- label [radiusAround] spatial allocation around the cable as a circle value e.g. [0.2]

- label [widthRight] spatial allocation on the right side of the cable (from centre) value e.g. [0.2]

- label [heightAbove] spatial allocation above the cable (from centre) value e.g. [0.2]

- label [widthLeft] spatial allocation on the left side of the cable (from centre) value e.g. [0.2]

- label [heightBelow] spatial allocation below the cable (from centre) value e.g. [0.2] Footing

Details of <PlanFeature> in "IM_footing" <Feature>

- name optional name e.g. [9]
- code code [IM_footing]
- source source [inframodel]

Parameters <Property>

- label [label] label or number by which the footing may be identified
value e.g. [1]

- label [footingHeight] height of the footing
value e.g. [0.5]

- label [footingMaterial] material of the footing
value e.g. [concrete]

- label [foundationType] type of footing foundation
value e.g. [piling]

- label [radiusAround] spatial allocation for the footing as a circle in horizontal plane value e.g. [0.4]

- label [length] spatial length allocation for the footing in horizontal plane value e.g. [0.5]

- label [lengthDir] direction of length dimension of spatial allocation in horizontal plane, zero = north, in terms of direction units value e.g. [1.403837]

- label [width] spatial width allocation for the footing in horizontal plane value e.g. [0.3] Railing

In Inframodel, this type of planfeature covers guardrails and guide bars, as well as touch, bump and collision protection structures.

Details of <PlanFeature> in "IM_railing" <Feature>

- name optional name e.g. [9]
- code code [IM_railing]
- source source [inframodel]

Parameters <Property>

- label [label] label or number by which the railing may be identified
value e.g. [1]

- label [railingType] type of railing
value e.g. [tubular spar railing]

- label [purpose] purpose of railing
value e.g. [handrail]

- label [shockResistaceClass] shock resistace class of the railing
value e.g. [T1]

- label [snowPlowingDurabilityCategory] category of snow plowing durability of the railing
value e.g. [1]

- label [normalizedWorkingWidht] normalized working widht of the railing in width units
value e.g. [0.2]

- label [railingHeight] height of the railing in height units
value e.g. [0.5]

- label [railHeight] height of the guard rail or guide bar in height units
value e.g. [0.5]

- label [railingMaterial] material of the railing value e.g. [steel]

- label [startType] type of railing start
value e.g. [energy absorbing]

- label [endType] type of railing end
value e.g. [sloping] Fence

In Inframodel, this type of planfeature covers fences, booms and barriers, as well as gates and openings such as fence manholes.

Details of <PlanFeature> in "IM_fence" <Feature>

- name optional name e.g. [9]
- code code [IM_fence]
- source source [inframodel]

Parameters <Property>

- label [label] label or number by which the fence may be identified
value e.g. [1]

- label [fenceType] type of fence
value e.g. [fence manhole]

- label [fenceHeight] height of the fence in height units
value e.g. [2.5]

- label [postMaterial] material of fence posts value e.g. [concrete]

- label [postShape] shape of fence posts value e.g. [circular] Surface structure

In Inframodel, this type of planfeature covers surface structure properties (material, thickness).

Details of <PlanFeature> in "IM_surfaceStructure" <Feature>

- name optional name e.g. [9]
- code code [IM_surfaceStructure]
- source source [inframodel]

Parameters <Property>

- label [material] surface material name
value e.g. [concrete]

- label [thickness] surface material thickness in height units value e.g. [0.12]

- label [surfaceRef] optional reference to the name of <Surface> with 3D geometric definition of the surface value [surfaceNameRef] Generic feature

When no specific <Feature> extension defined above can be applied, these generic definitions can be used.

Details of <PlanFeature> in "IM_planfeature" <Feature>

- name optional name e.g. [9]
- code code [IM_planfeature]
- source source [inframodel]

Parameters <Property>

- label [type] type of plan feature
value e.g. [landmark]

- label [material] material of the plan feature value e.g. [concrete] Type coding

Coding of <PlanFeatures> in "IM_coding" <Feature>:

- name optional name e.g. [10]
- code code [IM_coding]
- source source [inframodel]
type codes <Property>
- label [infracoding] type code of the plan feature
value e.g. [3225]
- label [infracodingDesc] type code description
value e.g. [Gates]
- label [proprietryInfraCoding] additional or alternative infra type code value code
e.g. in system by organisation Y [y:322502]
- label [proprietaryInfraCodingDesc] description of additional or alternative type code value description
e.g. [y:Double swing gate]