Inframodel 4

Application schema (LandXML), version 4.0.4
IM schema (extensions), version 4.0.4
Enumerations schema, version 4.0.4 (Finnish)

Inframodel 4 previous schema versions

Inframodel 3

Application schema (LandXML), version 3.0.1
Enumerations schema, version 3.0.1

Application schema documentation (html)

Enumeration definitions (Excel)

Inframodel 3 previous schema versions

Example files

Inframodel 4 Examples

IM4 test files

Inframodel 3 Examples

Guide to the examples (PDF)

Sito (Documentation of the example)

Terrain model (xml)
Rail (xml)
Road (xml)
Equipment (xml)
Water supply (xml)

Tekla (Documentation of the example)
Alignments (xml)
TIN model (xml)
String line model (xml)
Rail (xml)
Water supply (xml)
Road, equipment (xml)

Vianova (Documentation of the example)
Rail (TIN model) (xml)
Rail (string line model) (xml)
Equipment (xml)
Water supply (xml)
Road (TIN model) (xml)
Road (string line model) (xml)
Road, equipment (xml)